Grant Application

The application and all supporting documents should be submitted electronically via the form below to be considered for funding. Please include as much detail as possible, as Trustees are not available to meet with grant applicants.

The application includes:

  • Itemized project budget
  • The organization's IRS Tax-Exempt Determination Letter
  • A recent financial statement and income-and-expense budget for the organization
  • ONLY Parts I, II, and III of the most recent Form 990 as submitted to the IRS. The 990 in its entirety is no longer required.


All applications must be received by the Fund by August 31, 2024

  • Please apply for projects/performances that will occur by December 31, 2025. The Fund does not consider applications for future projects scheduled more than one calendar year in advance.
  • Grants will only be awarded for projects, performances and/or productions that are specific in nature and will not be given on an unrestricted basis.
  • Grants will also not be given to fund operating expenses or for a general performance season.
  • Organizations must be designated by the IRS as described in Section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Revenue Code
  • Due to the number of applications submitted and the limited staff time available, the Fund cannot consider pre-proposal inquiries or video submissions.
  • The Fund reserves the right to request additional information concerning any application.


Applicants can expect to be notified of the Board's decision no later than October 31 , 2024.